半导体行业新闻简报 SemiconductorIndustry News Briefing(17)-201912

Breaking News

1. Samsung Electronics chip output at South Korea plant partly halted due to short blackout (Reuters 2020-01-01)

Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) partly halted some semiconductor production at its Hwaseong chip complex in South Korea after about a minute-long blackout on Tuesday afternoon, the company said on Wednesday.
Some DRAM and NAND flash chip production lines were stopped after electricity was cut due to a problem with a regional power transmission cable, and a full recovery is expected in about two to three days, Yonhap reported earlier on Tuesday, citing industry sources.
The incident likely caused millions of dollars in losses, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said, but added that there was no major damage. The source declined to be identified as the exact extent of the damage was not yet public.
The incident could help curb the increase of Samsung Electronics’ large chip inventory, Yonhap said, citing an analyst.

2. 南韓三星華城廠區驚傳跳電,將影響 DRAM、NAND Flash 及LSI部分業務 (财经新报 2020-01-01)

就在大家歡喜慶祝 2020 年元旦之際,南韓的半導體產業卻傳來了意外事件!根據外電的報導,南韓半導體廠商三星電子旗下位於華城的工廠發生了跳電事故,影響了DRAM、NAND Flash,以及採用EUV技術的系統半導體生產部分。
根據 外電報導指出,三星電子位於南韓華城的工廠,在 2019 年 12 月 31 日發生了短暫的跳電情況,使得華城廠區內的部分工廠短暫停產。整個跳電的時間約1分鐘,之後立即恢復了供電,目前三星正在積極的進行產線檢查,在了解受損程度之後,以便在最短時間內恢復生產。
據了解,這次三星電子華城廠區的跳電事件,影響的是生產DRAM的Line 12產線,以及生產Nand Flash的Line 13產線,另外還有以EUV(extreme ultraviolet)技術進行生產的LSI(large-scale integration)部分。根據市場人士估計,由於是生產DRAM的Line 12產線,以及生產NAND Flash的Line 13產線都屬於製程比較落後的產線,因此受影響較大的部分的將會是在以EUV來生產系統半導體的領域,整體損失金額可能達到3,000萬美元。

Market Trends

1. As Spot Prices See Sharp Upturn, 1Q20 DRAM Contract Prices Stop Falling, Says TrendForce(TrendForce 2019-12-16)

According to the latest analysis of TrendForce’s DRAMeXchange research division, DRAM spot prices have begun to rebound, in turn improving the overall DRAM market sentiment, and memory component buyers in the contract market will be induced to raise their inventories as well. Contract prices are expected to rally as early as 1Q20.
TrendForce’s latest updates to its 1Q20 price forecast are as follows: contract prices of PC DRAM, specialty DRAM, and mobile DRAM products will experience minor QoQ drops, while contract prices of server DRAM products will register a QoQ increase. With the anticipated cyclical upturn in prices first occurring in the server DRAM segment, the overall DRAM ASP may also hold steady at about the same level as in 4Q19.
Looking ahead to 1Q20, because of existing instabilities in the supply of products built on 1Xnm processes, as well as fairly robust short-term demands, server DRAM ASP is expected to rally, with a 5% increase QoQ .
Furthermore, GPU makers are shifting their demand to next-generation GDDR6 products. With the demand side anticipating rising quotes in the future, contract prices of Graphics DRAM products are projected to post a mino QoQ increase.

集邦咨询:现货价格急涨,带动DRAM合约价提前于2020年第一季止跌(TrendForce 2019-12-16)


2. As Supply Adjustments Struggle to Keep Up with Demand Growth, 1Q20 Graphics DRAM Price Sees Sharp Upturn (TrendForce 2019-12-26)

Graphics DRAM prices will see a corresponding sharp rebound. Graphics DRAM is more sensitive to demand change than other types of memory products, so its price fluctuations can be dramatic as well. With OEM clients raising their stock-up demand, Graphics DRAM contract prices are projected to increase by over 5% QoQ**, the highest among all memory products.
The memory capacity of these upcoming consoles could be raised up to 16GB, which is twice that of current mainstream graphics cards. Given these developments
, demand is expected to exceed supply for graphics DRAM in 2020.
Graphics DRAM accounts for less than 6% of the industry’s overall output. Owing to a constrained supply and the abovementioned demand drivers, quotes are starting to stabilize. Because suppliers will not be able to make quick enough adjustments in their product mixes to immediately meet the rising demand, TrendForce forecasts a sharp rebound in the contract prices of Graphics DRAM in 2020**, which will register perhaps the largest increase among products for different memory applications.

集邦咨询:供给调整速度不及需求成长,2020年第一季显卡内存价格快速翻涨(TrendForce 2019-12-26)


3. 中日半导体产业合作大有可为 (中国电子报 2019-12-06)


Vendor News

1. ChangXin Emerging as China’s First & Only DRAM Maker(EE Times 2019-12-03)

In an exclusive interview with EE Times , representatives of ChangXin Memory (formerly known as Innotron Memory) said the company has completed its Fab 1 and R&D facility in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, and is currently running 20,000 wafers per month. It is scheduled to double its capacity to 40,000 wafers per month in the second quarter of 2020. Using a 19-nm process technology, ChangXin has begun producing this fall LPDDR4, DDR4 8Gbit DRAM products.
ChangXin acknowledged that it’s been recruiting engineers from Korea and Taiwan to build its fundamental DRAM knowledge. It has also hired technical staff formerly at Qimonda. These recruits include Karl Heinz Kuesters, who signed on as a “consultant.”

2. 兆易创新:首款DRAM芯片最晚2025年量产(cnBeta 2019-12-30)



3. Micron Obtains License to Sell DRAM & NAND to Huawei (ANADNTECH 2019-12-19)

We saw Huawei’s notebooks recently come back to the Microsoft store, and yesterday during an call, Micron announced it is one of the first U.S. companies to recently obtain the required licenses, and they can resume selling various types of products to Huawei.
Because of the Export Administration Regulations and Entity List restrictions imposed on Huawei, companies that develop and make products in the U.S. could no longer sell them to Huawei. As a consequence, companies like Intel, Google, Microsoft, Micron, and many others had to stop working with their Chinese partner, which had a drastic impact on their business as the Chinese telecom giant is clearly a major customer buying a large number of hardware and software products.

Micron was allowed to sell and support some of its products to Huawei, but it was forbidden to supply Huawei with new products or sign new sales agreements. In the recent weeks the company obtained a license from the U.S. administration to qualify and sell new products (e.g., DRAM modules/chips, SSDs, 3D NAND memory, etc.) with Huawei’s mobile and server business units. Meanwhile, since new sales agreements take months to complete, Micron does not expect the licenses to have an impact on its sales in upcoming quarters.

New Technology

1. 铠侠看淡3D XPoint前景 闪存仍将长期主导 (cnBeta 2019-12-31)

未来十年,存储市场仍将继续追求存储的密度、速度和需求的平衡点。尽管各个厂家的技术侧重点不尽相同,但铠侠(原东芝存储器)对3D XPoint之类的堆叠类存储方案的前景并不看好。在今年的国际电子设备会议(IEDM)上,该公司宣布了 BiCS 闪存系列和即将推出的 XL-Flash 技术,并且附上了一份展现未来愿景的幻灯片。
动态随机存储器(DRAM)、闪存(Flash)和“存储级内存”(SCM),是当前市面上的三大发展方向,铠侠也对英特尔和美光的 3D XPoint 长期愿景进行了展望。

3D 堆叠式存储单元的工作方式与闪存有所不同,以 3D XPoint 为例,其使用相变材料来改变存储单元的电阻,并可以通过电子选择器开关进行访问。
通过交替改变字线和位线的方向来构建存储器,以保留 SCM 的比特位可寻址特性。如需堆叠更多的层数,也只需添加额外的字线和位线,以及其间的单元。
即便如此,铠侠仍不看好3D XPoint的前景。首先是相对于层数的每比特位成本,层数的增加会带来更高的复杂性,控制电路会损失一部分面积,产能损失的影响也更大。