Market Trends
1.2020年全球内存市场供需现状与发展趋势解读(附PPT)(全球半导体观察 2020-05-11)
2.DRAM进入涨价周期,惟疫情影响出货导致第一季产值衰退4.6% )(集邦咨询 2020-05-13)
2.As DRAM Market Enters Period of Price Hikes, Revenue Drops by 4.6% QoQ in 1Q20 Due to COVID-19’s Impact on Shipment (TrendForce 2020-05-13)
According to the latest investigations by the DRAMeXchange research division of TrendForce, DRAM suppliers were able to successfully reduce their inventories in 1Q20, with significantly lower inventory levels at the end of 1Q20 compared to the beginning of the year. Hence, suppliers are no longer under imminent pressure to slash prices, and overall DRAM ASP rose by about 0-5% QoQ. However, while governments responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing citywide and nationwide lockdown policies, the resultant logistic disruptions in turn affected DRAM bit shipment as well. Therefore, in spite of the minor rise in ASP, global DRAM revenue decreased by 4.6% QoQ, reaching US$14.8 billion.
TrendForce indicates that the backlog of orders in 1Q20 will be deferred to 2Q20. In 2Q20, as the magnitude of QoQ increase in DRAM ASP expands, and bit shipment rebounds, TrendForce forecasts a QoQ increase of more than 20% in overall DRAM revenue. DRAM suppliers are projected to continue improving their revenue and profitability.
3.美扩大对华为禁令,存储器产业短期尚不致受到实质冲击(集邦咨询 2020-05-18)
根据集邦咨询半导体研究中心(DRAMeXchange)调查显示,美国商务部工业和安全局(BIS)于5月15日公布针对华为出口管制的新规范,未来使用美国半导体相关设备的外国芯片制造商必须要特别申请核准,才可对华为、海思以及其他相关公司出货。虽然相关法条仍存有进一步解释的空间,但目前观察对于存储器的采购(含DRAM与NAND Flash)影响有限,各原厂仍可继续对华为出货。但值得注意的是,美国对于华为或其他中国品牌的规范力道会持续增强,因此对于后续存储器的供给或需求面的冲击还需要持续观察评估。
3.Expanded U.S. Rules Sanctioning Huawei to Have No Substantial Impact on Memory Industry in Short-Term (TrendForce, 2020-05-18)
According to the latest investigations by the DRAMeXchange research division of TrendForce, the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced an expansion of the trade restrictions against the Chinese technology giant Huawei on May 15. The new rules, once implemented, will compel all foreign semiconductor manufacturers that use U.S.-made equipment to obtain a special license from the U.S. government in order to supply chips to Huawei and its subsidiaries or affiliates such as HiSilicon. While these rules are subject to further interpretation, TrendForce’s investigation finds that their effect on Huawei’s procurement of memory components (both DRAM and NAND Flash) is limited for now, with both DRAM and NAND Flash suppliers able to continue their shipments to Huawei. Worth noting, however, is the fact that the U.S. government will keep tightening its oversight on Huawei and Chinese technology enterprises on the whole. Therefore, further observations are needed to determine how much of an impact the enforcement of future restrictions will have on the ability of memory suppliers to sell their products and on the overall demand of the memory market going forward.
4.新显卡与游戏机双重引擎,Graphics DRAM需求持续增温(集邦咨询 2020-05-19)
根据集邦咨询半导体研究中心(DRAMeXchange)最新调查,今年两大显卡厂英伟达(NVIDIA)与超威(AMD)预计将于第三季发布全新GPU,加上微软(Microsoft)与索尼(Sony)规划于第四季发布新款游戏机,全数搭载高容量GDDR6存储器,这波需求将帮助绘图用存储器(Graphics DRAM)成为所有DRAM(内存)类别中,价格相对有支撑的产品。
集邦咨询表示,受到疫情影响,预估第三季整体DRAM价格上涨幅度相比第二季将大幅收敛,部分产品价格更可能于第四季反转向下,但Graphics DRAM价格仍有机会在下半年力守持平到小幅上涨。
两大显卡厂将于第三季发表高效能7nm GPU,全数采用最新GDDR6……
两大游戏机品牌将于第四季发表搭载GDDR6 16GB新机,容量较前一代翻倍……
4.Release of New Video Cards and Gaming Consoles to Elevate Graphics DRAM Demand(TrendForce, 2020-05-19)
According to the latest investigations from the DRAMeXchange research division of TrendForce, both NVIDIA and AMD are planning to release new GPUs in 3Q20, and both Microsoft and Sony are expected to release new gaming consoles in 4Q20. Since all of these products will be equipped with high-density GDDR6 memory, their releases are expected to create a wave of demand for Graphics DRAM, in turn propping up its prices relative to other DRAM applications.
Owing to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, TrendForce expects the increase in DRAM prices in 3Q20 to be drastically diminished compared to 2Q20 increases; the prices of some memory products may even take a downturn in 4Q20. But Graphics DRAM prices are likely to remain constant or undergo a small increase in 2H20.
NVIDIA and AMD will announce high-performance 7nm GPUs equipped with the latest GDDR6 memory in 3Q20……
In 4Q20, Sony and Microsoft will announce new gaming consoles equipped with 16 GB GDDR6 memory, doubling that of the previous generation……
Samsung and Micron are currently the sole suppliers of GDDR6 memory, while SK Hynix is expected to join the competition in late 2020……
5.China to Fall Far Short of its “Made-in-China 2025” Goal for IC Devices(IC Insights, 2020-05-21)
IC production in China represented 15.7% of its $125 billion IC market in 2019, up only slightly from 15.1% five years earlier in 2014. As shown in Figure 1, IC Insights forecasts that this share will increase by 5.0 percentage points to 20.7% in 2024 (one percentage point per year on average).
A very clear distinction should be made between China’s IC market and indigenous IC production in China. As IC Insights has oftentimes stated, although China has been the largest consuming market for ICs since 2005, it does not necessarily mean that large increases in IC production within China would immediately follow, or ever follow.
Of the $19.5 billion worth of ICs manufactured in China last year, China-headquartered companies produced only $7.6 billion (38.7%), accounting for only 6.1% of the country’s $124.6 billion IC market. TSMC, SK Hynix, Samsung, Intel, and other foreign companies that have IC wafer fabs located in China produced the rest. IC Insights estimates that of the $7.6 billion in ICs manufactured by China-based companies, about $1.8 billion was from IDMs and $5.8 billion was from foundries like SMIC.
Vendor News
1.Samsung improves DRAM market share amid COVID-19 pandemic(Samsung, 2020-05-15)
According to TrendForce data cited by Yonhap News, Samsung’s DRAM revenues declined in Q1 2020 in no small part due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite these hurdles, Samsung managed to remain dominant in the global DRAM market throughout the January-March period and even boosted its market share.
Samsung’s global DRAM market share stood at 43.5% last quarter after a 1.6% drop from Q3 2019. But although the COVID-19 pandemic left a mark on the global economy, the Korean giant was able to improve its market share by 0.6% in Q1 2020. Its DRAM solutions covered 44.1% of the market at the end of March. The company was followed by SK hynix with a 29.3% market share, and Micro Technology with a 20.8% share.
2.Micron, Samsung, And SK Hynix: The DRAM Oligopoly (Seekingalpha, 2020-05-12)
The rapidly growing cloud computing market is a key growth driver for DRAM. Demand will be further boosted by the increasing connectivity of the world through 5G, AI and the Internet of Things. Recent market imbalances seen last year caused an oversupply issue and slowed down the market. Since the beginning of 2020, however, we have seen a turnaround with average selling prices stabilizing in the first quarter. Developments from the COVID-19 pandemic led to global lockdowns which saw a rise in remote working and virtual learning. This factor in turn further drove up demand for DRAM in servers and PCs. Assuming minimal disruptions in the second half of the year, we see DRAM prices increasing by 10% which should translate to better financial performances for D3.
Based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (‘HHI’), a common measure of market concentration, we calculated the DRAM industry concentration. An HHI reading of greater than 2,500 indicates a highly concentrated market, and the table below clearly shows that D3 is indeed an oligopoly.
3. Report: Micron Increasing 1znm DDR4 DRAM Production(Tomshardware 2020-05-13)
Memory manufacturer Micron is investing heavily in growing its 1znm DDR4 DRAM production in its Taiwanese facilities, according to “sources familiar with the matter” at DigiTimes.
The 1z-nanometer process is the latest node size in the memory industry, offering higher density, increased efficiency and faster speeds. The standard covers node sizes between 12nm and 14nm, whereas the 1ynm standard is slightly larger at 14nm to 16nm.
In this 1znm production growth phase, Micron is reportedly focusing on DDR4 products, producing 16Gb DRAM modules for use in desktops and laptops. Production is taking place in Taichung.
4. Micron Doubles Down on Cuts to Memory Chip Production(electronicdesign 2020-06-01)
Micron Technology in March said it would reduce its DRAM and NAND production in 2019 as demand dropped off for short-term memory and long-term storage used in smartphones, data centers and personal computers, watering down the selling price of its products and eroding its profits. But the company, the No.4 player in the global chip industry, acknowledged last week that it needed to be more aggressive.
The company said it still planned to cut DRAM manufacturing by 5% to balance out the supply and demand of the short-term memory chips, which is what determines their average selling price. In March, Micron said it would also curtail NAND production by 5%. But Sanjay Mehrotra, Micron’s chief executive, said on a conference call last week it would slash NAND production by another 5%—a total of 10% in 2019.
5.预计2021年量产 传SK海力士将在1anm DRAM中引入EUV技术(TechNews科技新报 2020-06-01)
就在當前因為市場不確定因素增加,以及武漢肺炎疫情恐將影響記憶體後續市場發展的情況下,主要記憶體廠商皆不輕易擴增產能,反而以優化製程技術的方式來增加其供應的能力。因此,根據南韓媒體報導,記憶體大廠 SK 海力士 (SK Hynix) 的相關內部人士透露,該公司已開始研發第 4 代 10 奈米級製程 (1a) 的 DRAM,內部代號為「南極星」 (Canopus),而且預計將在製程中導入 EUV 曝光技術。
報導指出,目前 SK 海力士最先進的 DRAM 產品主要以 10 奈米等級的 1Y 及 1Z 製程技術為主,這是屬於第 2 代及第 3 代的 10 奈米等級製程。該公司計劃在 2020 年下半年將這兩種製程技術的生產比重提高到 40%。此外,SK 海力士還將繼續發展新一代的 DRAM 的製程技術。
報導進一步強調,「南極星」(Canopus) 將是 SK 海力士至今的最關鍵發展計畫之一,因為這是該公司首度應用 EUV 曝光技術來生產 DRAM。不過,報導也引用南韓一位消息人士的說法指出,目前 SK 海力士當下最重要的問題,是公司是能否透過使用 EUV 曝光技術來確保其產品的有效競爭力。
6.兆易创新Q1营收同比增长76.51% 将研发1Xnm以下DRAM (全球半导体观察 2020-05-06)
7.打造10纳米级制程试产线 南亚科增加约16亿元资本支出 (TechNews科技新报 2020-05-07)
事实上,南亚科总经理李培瑛在上一季法说会上就已经宣布,南亚科已完成自主研发10纳米级DRAM生产技术,并且将在2020年下半年试产。而南亚科新成功开发出的10纳米级DRAM生产技术,预计将使DRAM产品可持续微缩至少3个世代。而第一代的10纳米级产品包括8GB DDR4、LPDDR4及DDR5将建构在自主制程技术及产品技术平台上,并预计2020下半年进入产品试产阶段。
New Technology
1.六大国产CPU | 全面梳理分析(信创工程咨询 2020-06-02)
1、 国产CPU发展历程回溯
2、 飞腾:PK生态的主导者
3、 鲲鹏:快速崛起的领导者
4、 海光:性能领先的实干者
5、 龙芯:完全自主的引领者
6、 兆芯:合资CPU的探路者
7、 申威:为超算而生的强者