Breaking News1. Samsung Electronics chip output at South Korea plant partly halted due to short blackout (Reuters 2020-01-01)Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) partly halted some semiconductor production ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(16) 201911
Breaking News1.Intel CPU Supply Shortage Continues in Q4 (Market Realist 2019-09-26)The CPU (central processing unit) supply market is heating up as we enter that time of year when seasonal demand pi ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(15) 201910
Breaking News1. 未达成一致 日韩就半导体出口管制问题将再次磋商(2019-10-14)10月11日,日韩两国在WTO总部瑞士日内瓦围绕该问题举行了双边磋商,从磋商结果来看,双方并未谈妥,但双方同意进行进一步磋商。据韩联社报道,下一次磋商预计在11月10日前进行。9月11日,韩国政府就日本限制对韩出口一事向世界贸易组织提起申诉。…………而在此次磋商过程中,韩方首席代表、产业通商资源部 ...
半导体行业新闻简报Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(14) 201909
Breaking News1.Japan agrees to WTO consultation with South Korea amid trade dispute (Japan times 2019-09-20)Japan has agreed to a consultation with South Korea over Tokyo’s enhanced export control mea ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(13) 201908
Breaking News—Trade Conflict between Japan and South Korea–1. Japan’s Ministry Approves Shipments of Industrial Chemicals to South Korea (ANANDTECH 08-09)Amidst the ongoing trade conflict between Japa ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(12) 201907
市场趋势Market TrendsDRAM/NAND Prices Short Term Affected by Japan-South Korea Trade Tension and Toshiba Outage; Long Term Effects Depend on Inventory Levels, Says TrendForce(TrendForce 07-16)DRAMeXchange ...
日本对韩实施贸易制裁限制半导体材料对韩出口 Japan curbs technology exports to S Korea News Update
Japan/South Korea’s ActionsJapan to tighten export rules for high-tech materials to S Korea May expand the list of restricted items to include electronic components and other materials (Japantoday 07 ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(11) 201906
市场趋势Market TrendsDRAM第二季报价持续大幅下探,进一步压缩供应商获利(集邦咨询 05-28)根据集邦咨询半导体研究中心(DRAMeXchange)调查显示,在第一季传统淡季,DRAM价格下滑的压力加剧。除了供应商在2018年下半年增加的产能于第一季陆续开出以外,需求端积极去化库存的同时也压缩采购力道,导致第一季DRAM量价齐跌的情况十分显著,也使得整体产值较上季大幅下滑28.6% ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(10) 201905a
市场趋势Market Trend1. 南亚科4月营收回温,月成长10.54% 20190505存储器大厂南亚科 3 日公布 2019 年 4 月营运数字,根据资料显示,在客户拉货增加,出货回温的情况下,4 月合并营收为 41.11 亿元(新台币,下同),较 3 月增加 10.54%,呈现连续第 2 个月正成长的情况。但是,在当前大环境仍旧不佳,半导体产业仍持续处于低档的情况下,4 月营收则是较 2 ...
半导体行业新闻简报 Semiconductor Industry News Briefing(9) 201904b
市场趋势Market Trend1. ★★Intel Reports Q1 FY 2019 Results: Revenue Flat, PCs Up, Servers Down 20190425This afternoon, Intel announced their earnings for Q1 of their 2019 fiscal year. Revenue for the first ...